Personal Data Protection Act
Privacy Center
Guidelines on Personal Data Protection Policy (Revised version 2021) Dated 1 April 2021>
Chapter 6 Personal Data of the Investors and Shareholders of the Company

Guidelines on Personal Data Protection Policy of IRPC Public Company Limited
(Revised version 2021) Dated 1 April 2021

Chapter 6
Personal Data of the Investors and Shareholders of the Company
6.1 Your Personal Data Collected by the Company
Your personal data the Company has collected, used or disclosed shall include but not limited to the following types of personal data:
Personal data such as name- last name, title, gender, date of birth, ID card number, age, including sensitive personal data such as face recognition ( if any), fingerprint, religion, nationality and health data whereby the Company must be granted with your legal consent or as deemed necessary to proceed in accordance with relevant law
Contact data such as address, telephone number or e-mail
Financial data such as savings account number, dividend payment
Other personal data such as data on the use of IT system and websites of the Company, CCTV recording, voice recordings from meetings
6.2 Sources of Personal Data
The Company may collect your personal data as you directly provide your personal data to the Company such as providing your personal data as a shareholder, registration of shareholders’ meeting, request for data in the Company’ s website or other applications as an investor etc. In addition, the Company may acquire your personal data from other related agencies such as registrar, company, Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited.
6.3 Objectives of the Collection, Use or Disclosure of Personal Data Under Legal Basis
The Company shall collect, use or disclose your personal data to achieve the following objectives under legal basis as follows:
Contract basis: To contact you as a shareholder, verification of the registration concerning the attendance of the shareholders’ meeting and dividend payment
Legal obligation basis: To treat you in accordance with your legal right and duty as a shareholder as well as to disclose and report your personal data to the agency specified by law such as the Securities and Exchange Commission Office, the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the Securities Depository etc, including compliance with the court’s order or order of the government agency with legal authority
The Company may be required to collect your personal data in order to constitute legal claim, audit and review facts to prevent corrupt behavior in exercising right or complying with relevant law as well as to use as an evidence in the defense of legal claim.
Legitimate interest basis: By taking into consideration the proportionality and your expectation whereby the benefits derived must be well balanced with your basic rights concerning personal data protection in order to achieve the following objectives:
For the objective of audit and identity authentication relating to the performance of duty or according to delegated authority
For an audit by major shareholders or other related agencies, investigation or examination, request for advice relating to the constitution of legal claim or legal proof
For safety within the building areas or facilities from CCTV recording
Consent basis: To collect, use or disclose sensitive personal data such as health data, religious data, including other sensitive personal data appeared on the ID card for identity authentication as well as to facilitate and ensure your safety during your participation with the Company’s activities and to disclose your personal data concerning your insurance to other external parties
6.4 Disclosure of Your Personal Data
The Company shall not disclose your personal data to any external parties unless otherwise informed or upon being granted with your consent or when it deems necessary to disclose or to report your personal data to the insurance company which is the Company’ s counterparty to achieve the following objectives mentioned above.
The Company may be required to disclose or report your personal data as stipulated by law to other related agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission Office, the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited, registrar and the Department of Business Development etc.
The Company may be required to disclose your personal data to relevant external parties for the objectives mentioned above in order to proceed with an audit, request for legal advice, inspection, assessment, legal proceeding or any other proceedings necessary for the Company’ s business operation.