Personal Data Protection Act
Privacy Center
Cookies Policy
        While visiting our website, cookies may be placed on the visitors’ devices and the data will be collected automatically. Some cookies are necessary for the website to function properly and some of them are cookies that are placed in order to facilitate the visitors.

What Are Cookies?

        Cookies are small text files that a website places and/or stores on your device (such as computer, phone, tablet) when you access each website, and the cookies will be sent back to the original website on each subsequent visit or to other websites that recognize those cookies.
        There are different types of cookies, some types of them can make the website work or process effectively, or it may collect your personal data and track your online activities in order to improve the website and show you relevant contents or for marketing purposes.

Types of Cookies We Use

We will use cookies when you visit our website. The types of cookies can be categorized according to their use as follows:
1 Strictly Necessary Cookies
        These are cookies that are necessary for the website to function and enable you to use any features on our website.
2 Analytical/Performance Cookies
        These cookies collect website visit behavior and statistical data related to your on-site visit and behavior. This helps you find what you are looking for easily and helps us understand your interest and measure the performance of our advertisements.